According to the National Fire Protection Association, 50% of all household fires are cooking-related and begin in the kitchen. Just imagine how much safer homes would be if cabinetry didn't burn. Ever.
Introducing Garnica, a world leader in premium sustainable plywood. Garnica is renowned for their advanced and responsibly-manufactured products, suitable for a wide array of applications. Perhaps most exciting is their innovative Fireshield® plywood, sourced from farm-grown poplar (agroforestry) in Spain and France. It's sustainably made and boasts a beautiful finish that will elevate any kitchen so designers and architects are no longer tasked with choosing between beauty, functionality and sustainability.
Fireshield® does not burn and meets the highest fire regulations in the industry: ASTM E-84 Class A and CAN/ULC S102-10. These building panels can be used for any design, from door frames, floors and walls to ceilings, cabinetry and even furniture. Unlike traditional MDF and plywood used in construction that rely on a fire-retardant coating, Garnica's Fireshield® veneers are individually soaked in a proprietary treatment before they're dried, glued and compressed to create plywood panels. This process ensures the panels can be sanded or machined in any configuration and will still retain their fire-retardant rating of 100%, the only product on the market with this distinction.
Yes, Garnica's Fireshield® may come at a slightly higher cost than other fire-rated materials, but when it comes to the safety of people's homes, it's a small price to pay.
Learn more about this or story ideas such as:
Selecting the appropriate type of fire-retardant material for each project.
The proprietary treatment process of Fireshield® panels.
Wood-inspired kitchen designs.
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